Saturday, September 18, 2010

Trendway Benefit Car Show, Holland Mi.

For the past few years, Mike's Show-N-Shine has wanted to attend this benefit car show. Finally, things worked out and we made it! I was so impressed with the location and preparation that was done for this show! The last time I checked, over 400 cars had registered. I noticed that quite a few I photographed did not take the time to register. My estimate of the total number of cars is about 650-700. Cars were parked all over the grassy, hilly area. An impressive show with impressive cars, trucks and motorcycles.

They made us all feel right at home, right down to helping me find a man with a jumpbox to get my battery boosted so I could go home! Why did I need a jump? Left the lights on!

This was quite a diverse show, with everything from the pre-WW2 cars right through the latest and greatest new "classics-to-be" cars. I would like to thank the person who invited Mike's Show-N-Shine two years ago. I no longer remember his name, but he told me it would be a great show....and it was! A big thanks to Trendway for putting this on. I am sure you took in enough to help the recipient of this benefit.

I have set this up for two posts. This first one is all the cars in general. The second will be just for the Mustangs that attended. Never seen so many Mustangs at one show! I think I got most of them, but....sorry if I missed yours! Send me an email with an attachment with a picture of your Mustang if you were there. I will add it to the post!!

Here are the cars in attendance. Sorry I didn't get names or info on the cars for this time I will do better!

Here is Big Red, parked amongst the crowds. Right next to a very sharp Mustang convertible. See it in the next post!

Many people were in attendance! All having a great time. Plenty of food and drink for all.....

Our ears were alive with the sounds of this duo. Very good music! Thanks!!

Hope you enjoyed the sights of the Trendway Benefit Car Show. The many workers, owners and lookers had a great time. Thanks again, Trendway!!

Mike's Show-N-Shine loves comments. If you see your car here, let me know! Want something added about your car? Tell me and I will add it in!! Anything for my readers!

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